duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009

Anahata Chakra

Anahata Chakra
The heart chakra is the seat of balance within the body. There is no longer any concern with attachments to worldly pleasures, honors or humiliations.

Anahata chakra has twelve vermillion petals. The Yantra in the centre of the chakra is composed of two overlapping, intersecting triangles. One triangle, facing upward symbolizes Shiva, the male principle. The other triangle, facing downward, symbolizes Shakti, the female principle. A balance is attained when these two forces are joined in harmony.

The seed mantra is Yam and the vital breath is Prana.
The presiding deity is Ishana Rudra Shiva. He has a camphor-blue skin, he is two-armed,
wears a tiger skin. He holds the trident in his right hand and a damaru drum in his left.

The holy Ganga (river Ganges) flowing from his hairlocks is a cooling and purifying stream of self-knowledge: the knowledge that "I am That". The snakes coiled around his body are the passions, which he has tamed.

His energy is Kakini Shakti, her skin is rose-colored. Her sari is sky-blue and she is seated upon a pink lotus.

Element: Air

Shape: Hexagram

Plane: Balance

Sense: Touch

Sense Organ: Skin

Work Organ: Hands

Name: Unstruck

Location: The Heart

In her four hands Kakini Shakti holds the implements necessary for one to attain balance: The sword provides the means to cut through obstacles blocking the upward energy flow. The shield protects the aspirant from external worldly conditions. The skull indicates detachment from a false identification with the body. The trident symbolizes the balance of the three forces of
preservation, creation and destruction. Sound: Yang

Nb of petals: 12

It is in the heart chakra that Kundalini Shakti appears for the first time as
a beautiful goddess.

She sits in lotus posture within a triangle.
The triangle is pointing upward, showing the tendency of Shakti to move upward and carry the aspirant into the higher planes of existence.

Behind Kundalini Shakti stands a lingam in
which Rudra Shiva appears as Sadashiva
(sada : "eternal", shiva : "benefactor").
He is Shabda Brahma, or the eternal Logos.

The chakra's associated animal
is the black antelope or gazelle,
symbolizing the lightness of physical substance

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